What if the invaluable cannabinoid, the CBD, answers all the questions? What if CBD oil can be used to lower blood pressure as well as be effective in treating stress and anxiety? Research shows that cannabidiol (CBD) oil can be used to improve heart health. And if CBD can lower blood pressure, how much CBD oil can be used to lower high blood pressure?
CBD and High Blood Pressure - Does CBD Lower Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure can often be a gateway to other medical conditions, especially cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks. There are a number of antihypertensive drugs on the market that alleviate the suffering of people with high blood pressure.
What if the invaluable cannabinoid, the CBD, answers all the questions?
What if CBD oil can be used to lower blood pressure as well as be effective in treating stress and anxiety?
Research shows that cannabidiol (CBD) oil can be used to improve heart health. And if CBD can lower blood pressure, how much CBD oil can be used to lower high blood pressure?
Can CBD lower blood pressure?
Yes, CBD has been shown to greatly lower blood pressure. In fact, CBD is known for a number of important purposes. From the treatment of seizures and epilepsy to its use in relieving pain and inflammation, the popularity of CBD continues to grow among many people. And rightly so, given that it has so far proven to be an effective therapeutic substance.
Following the results of previous work that showed that CBD can be used to improve heart health, the researchers explored the importance of CBD in treating high blood pressure. Many CBD advocates have equally called for more research in this regard.
A 2017 study showed that CBD not only affects the cardiovascular system, but can reduce resting blood pressure and the blood pressure response to stress. This CBD has an anti-anxiety (anti-anxiety) and analgesic effect in the body.
Can CBD help the heart?
Upon close observation, we see that inflammation is closely or directly linked to a number of diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and the like. After experimentation, some studies suggest that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. Other studies in rats and mice also maintain that CBD is likely to help the heart. Nevertheless, there are still a limited number of attempts to determine the extent to which CBD affects people’s heart rate.
Most of the results so far have been extrapolated from animal experiments. As such, scientists believe that we cannot say with absolute certainty whether CBD is really benefiting the human heart.
One thing is clear: CBD can have great benefits for the cardiovascular system, but there is still a lot of research going on in this area.
Fortunately, a special study in humans looked at the effect of a measured dose of CBD on heart rate and blood pressure. In the study, 600 mg of CBD or placebo was administered to 9 healthy male volunteers in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. Their cardiovascular parameters were then monitored with a fine ether and laser Doppler.
Data from the study showed that acute administration of CBD reduces resting blood pressure.
How much CBD oil can lower blood pressure?
We now know that there are more than just guesses. CBD has a positive effect on the heart and can also reduce high blood pressure.
The results of the study discussed above suggest that a single dose of CBD can lower blood pressure in all 9 random volunteers. Each serving contains 600mg of CBD.
How does CBD lower blood pressure?
If you’re wondering exactly how CBD lowers your blood pressure, you’re not alone. As mentioned earlier, research is underway to identify a number of parameters and answer further questions about the role of CBD in improving heart health.
However, we know that the process is not entirely dependent on the effect of CBD. It is worth noting the impact of lifestyle, eating habits, genetics, and many other factors that can influence the process. Therefore, CBD oil alone does not necessarily create the desired effect.
However, it is a common belief that CBD helps the heart by treating the heart and anxiety. Research has shown that CBD tends to relax blood vessels and reduce anxiety, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Here we see the relationship between blood pressure and anxiety. Keep in mind that smoking cannabis naturally relaxes the body and soothes a person’s mood.
Both THC and CBD can lower blood pressure, albeit in different ways. To date, however, neither CBD nor THC can be considered a medically acceptable treatment.
(source: cannabisuniversity.com )
CBD helps fight high blood pressure
It protects the heart by reducing anxiety
When CBD is smoked, it quickly relaxes the body and soothes the mood
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