Both GABA and CBD have beneficial and calming effects on the human brain and nervous system. This effect is immediate after revenue, depending on the amount. Relaxing, balanced sleep contributes to the body’s healing processes. Because of its natural ingredients, CBD - GABA consumers are less afraid of developing addictive conditions that can be caused by long-term consumption of sleeping pills and sedatives.

What diseases can cause sleep disorders? What can we do about insomnia? Will CBD and GABA help?

We talk about insomnia when we can’t even sleep when we would otherwise have the opportunity to do so. Sometimes we can’t even fall asleep in the evening, but sometimes we wake up at night or early in the morning but can’t fall back asleep. Typically, we do not feel satisfactorily during sleep, and there are also daytime symptoms such as exhaustion, insomnia, mood swings, irritability, or impaired concentration, the latter also increasing the risk of errors and accidents.

Consequences of sleep disturbance

Prolonged sleep disturbance has a serious impact on our physical and mental health. Sleep disorders are primarily stress, so anything that causes stress can also be a consequence of sleep disorders:

  • gastrointestinal diseases: gastric ulcer, reflux, IBS, etc.
  • hormonal disorders: infertility, thyroid disorders, diabetes, obesity, etc.
  • pain syndromes
  • fatigue diseases
  • psychiatric disorders: depression, panic disorder, difficulty in treating temper, anxiety, psychosomatic disorders
  • learning, memory, decision difficulties, physical and mental disabilities
  • risk of accident

Depression and sleep disorders

Sleep disturbance and depression sooner or later occur together. Many times it is not possible to determine afterwards which one was before. Whether exhaustion due to sleep disturbance has led to depression, or has a history of depression characterized by sleep disturbance over time.

If you have at least 5 of the following symptoms, you are probably depressed:

  • perpetuated bad mood
  • loss of pleasure
  • loss of self-esteem
  • sleep disorder
  • concentration disorder
  • thinking difficulties
  • indecision
  • memory impairment
  • gaining weight or losing weight due to loss of appetite
  • chronic fatigue
  • suicidal thoughts
  • lack of interest in the future
  • everyday life management problems

Relationships between sleep disturbance and obesity

Perhaps it is no coincidence that sleep disorders and obesity are also common diseases. Recent scientific studies have shown that sleeping less than 7.5 hours a day causes severe disorders in the hormonal system, which regulates insulin secretion and leads to obesity in the long run.

A direct consequence of the above is that diets don’t make sense until we spend enough time sleeping. If you suffer from sleep disorders, it is recommended to solve the sleep problem first, because in case of insufficient amount or quality of sleep, even struggling with dieting, it is only an extra stress for the body, but we can certainly not expect success.

Of course, sleep disturbance due to chronic fatigue also leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance.

Decreased physical performance makes everyday life more difficult. Performing daily tasks is also a difficulty. It's hard to concentrate. This hinders you from doing your job or learning. His thinking, ability to learn and memory deteriorate severely. Unable to make decisions, hesitant, insecure, late, procrastinating. He has little motivation.

Reflux, gastric ulcer, and IBS — irritable bowel syndrome — are common consequences of sleep disorders. These typical psychosomatic disorders are caused by a chronobiological disorder. As the sleep disorder heals, these symptoms also disappear.

What is GABA?

Gamma amino acid (GABA) is a naturally occurring amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in your brain. Neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers. GABA is thought to inhibit the neurotransmitter because it blocks or inhibits certain brain signals and reduces nervous system activity.

When GABA attaches to a protein in your brain known as the GABA receptor, it triggers a calming effect. This can help you feel anxiety, stress and fear. It can also help prevent seizures.

As a result of these properties, GABA has also become a popular supplement in recent years. This is partly due to the fact that it is not available from many food sources. The only foods that contain GABA are fermented, such as kimchi, miso, and tempeh.

Why do people take GABA supplements?

The natural sedative effect of GABA on the brain has led to a number of claims regarding the stress-relieving use of GABA supplements. Too much stress is associated with, among other things, poor sleep, a weakened immune system, and a higher risk of depression.

How can GABA and CBD help with insomnia?

Both GABA and CBD have beneficial and calming effects on the human brain and nervous system. This effect is immediate after revenue, depending on the amount. Relaxing, balanced sleep contributes to the body’s healing processes. Because of its natural ingredients, CBD + GABA consumers are less afraid of developing addictive conditions that can be caused by long-term consumption of sleeping pills and sedatives.

Using GABA contributes for a relaxed, calm feeling. However, individuals who regularly use mind modifiers have reported less sensory effects of GABA, as its molecules are too large to cross the so-called blood-brain barrier, which is responsible for filtering substances that affect brain function. However, the CBD compensates for this effect so that the effect can be completed.

GABA is found in both the pituitary glands and the genitals. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects, as does CBD.

In all cases of persistent insomnia and sleep disorders, always seek professional advice.


If you have at least 5 of the following symptoms, you are probably depressed:

  • perpetuated bad mood
  • loss of pleasure
  • loss of self-esteem
  • sleep disorder
  • concentration disorder
  • thinking difficulties
  • indecision
  • memory impairment
  • gaining weight or losing weight due to loss of appetite
  • chronic fatigue
  • suicidal thoughts
  • lack of interest in the future
  • everyday life management problems