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What is CBD? What is the difference between CBD and Cannabis?

CBD means cannabidiol, which is an active ingredient in the cannabis plant. It is a well-known naturally occurring cannabinoid molecule, or phytocannabinoid, found in the highest amounts in cannabis, i.e., hemp plants, but also in smaller amounts in other plants, such as flax or azaleas. Like THC, CBD is produced in the inflorescence of the plant, with only negligible amounts in the leaves, stems, and seeds.
Science is currently associated with the existence of more than 100 cannabinoids, with CBD being the second best known and researched after THC. CBD, unlike THC, has no psychotropic effect and therefore does not cause poisoning, called “tearing”. This property is beneficial for patients who want to avoid or reduce the mind-altering effects of cannabis, such as children or the elderly.
The CBD has caused a lot of excitement in recent years - and for good reason.
CBD-rich cannabis varieties and oils that have significant therapeutic benefits are often referred to as “not get high medical cannabis”.

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CBD Against Pain

Pain is the first reason people turn primarily to medicated cannabis, and several clinical studies have shown that the cannabis plant can help overcome multiple types of pain.
Just as there isn’t just a kind of cannabis, it’s not just a kind of pain. The three main types are:
Nociceptive pain: The easiest type to understand, nociceptive pain, comes from physical injury; often treated with anti-inflammatory drugs
Neuropathic pain: This can be caused by injury, but is specifically associated with nerve injury. anti-inflammatory drugs are usually ineffective
Central Pain: Sometimes referred to as "mysterious pain," central pain occurs without physical injury. Fibromyalgia is a well-known example.

The good news is that cannabis can treat all three types of pain in different ways.

CBD against Mental Problems

Depression and anxiety disorders are common mental illnesses that can have a lasting impact on a person’s health, social life, ability to work and general well-being.
Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat or treat your depression. Many of these medications have serious side effects, such as mood swings, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction.

CBD has promised to treat depression and anxiety in early studies and can cause fewer side effects in some people.
2014 research may explain why CBD can be helpful in treating depression. They point out that in most studies, CBD has a positive effect on the brain’s serotonin receptor.
Serotonin affects many functions of the body, including a person’s emotional state as well as well-being or happiness. Balancing serotonin levels is often a key therapy for people with depression.
The compound has a clear anti-stress effect after short or long-term use. In some tests, CBD acted as an antidepressant.

The researchers also found that the compound functioned without direct activation of brain endocannabinoid receptors, which may indicate that CBD poses a lower risk of dependence or dependence.

CBD Against Insomnia

CBD Against Insomnia

  • To understand whether CBD can improve sleep, we must first understand what causes poor sleep.
    There are many reasons for insomnia. According to the Mayo Clinic, insomnia can be caused by:

    • Mental disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression
    • Medicines that may disrupt the sleep-wake cycle
    • Physical complaints such as chronic pain
    • Caffeine, especially if consumed late
    • Environmental factors such as loud noise or uncomfortable beds

    If your insomnia is caused by external factors or related conditions, the CBD can help treat the causes of the insomnia.
    The dosage of CBD and how long you take it depend on a number of factors. Body weight, personal body chemistry, and the nature of sleep problems all affect CBD function. What works for some may not be right for others.

    In most clinical trials of CBD and sleep, subjects received 25 mg and 1500 mg of CBD daily. It’s best to start with a low dose and gradually increase until we find something that suits you.

    Much of the research on CBD, anxiety, and sleep has found that many patients do not notice an immediate difference. The aforementioned 2019 study found that subjects took about a month to notice the difference. Be patient and keep in mind that you are unlikely to get immediate results.

CBD against acute diseases

Products against acute diseases

The endocannabinoid system is involved in regulating various functions of the body, including mood, behavior, appetite, pain, sleep, energy, and more. In addition, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for cell growth and apoptosis.
Because cancer is caused by the proliferation and mutation of abnormal cells, the medicinal cannabinoids found in cannabis oil are known to help kill abnormal cancer cells, especially in the early stages of cancer.

Apoptosis is a natural process in the body in which cells are killed as part of the growth of a particular organism. As mentioned earlier, cancer cells grow in the body as a pathological process because they no longer recognize a signal from the body that stimulates or kills cell growth. As these cells grow and divide, they become more uncontrollable. And because they no longer respond to apoptosis, they tend to accelerate cell proliferation and ignore other signs of "normal cells." Therefore, the endocannabinoid system is an extremely important system in the body as it also helps to modulate cell growth and death.

Because cancer cells proliferate faster than the endocannabinoid system can process, cancer cells penetrate normal tissue and spread throughout the body. This process is known as metastasis.
The endocannabinoid system has two primary receptors. One is the CB1 receptor, which is found primarily in the brain, and the other is the CB2 receptor, which is found primarily in the immune system. THC is an active component of cannabis that binds to CB1 receptors and is responsible for mood, behavior, and other brain functions. On the other hand, CBD blocks CB2 receptors and tells these receptors, if any, that they are harmful to the body.
After binding, activation of the receptor may assist the endocannabinoid system in antitumor warning. This means that it inhibits carcinogenesis by inhibiting reproduction, metastases, and tumor angiogenesis.
Although further claims need to be reviewed to support these claims, the cannabinoids in cannabis oil have undoubtedly helped cancer patients one way or another. Chemotherapy patients also turned to cannabis oil to relieve their post-chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, inflammation, neuropathic pain, immunosuppression, and anorexia.

CBD against immune and autoimmune diseases

Cbd against immune and autoimmune diseases

Az élet időnként fájdalmas. Ha azonban ezeket a tüneteket olyan autoimmun betegség okozza, mint a lupus, a reumás ízületi gyulladás, a sclerosis multiplex vagy az 1-es típusú cukorbetegség, nehéz enyhülést találni. Jó hír, hogy a kannabisz segített a betegségben szenvedőknek magasabb életminőségben élni.
Az autoimmun betegségek olyan betegségek, amelyekben az ember immunrendszere megtámadja saját testét. Az immunrendszer a vírusokra és más kórokozókra összpontosít, és általában meg tudja különböztetni az idegen betolakodókat saját sejtjeitől. Amikor azonban az egészséges sejteket idegen betolakodóként látja, háborút indít a teste ellen, és antitesteket küld az egészséges szövetek, például ízületek, szervek vagy bőr megtámadására.
Az elsődleges kezelések olyan gyógyszerek, amelyek csökkentik a gyulladást és megnyugtatják a szervezet immunválaszt. Egyes kezelések immunszuppresszánsok alkalmazását jelentik az immunrendszer elnyomására vagy teljes kikapcsolására.

A probléma az, hogy ezeknek a kezeléseknek számos nemkívánatos mellékhatása van, és az immunrendszer kikapcsolása negatív következményekkel járhat. Szükségünk van alternatív kezelési lehetőségekre, és sokan felfedezik a kannabisz jobb életminőségét.
Az autoimmun betegségben szenvedők már régóta sikeresen használták a kannabiszt - és a fájdalomcsillapítás csak a jéghegy csúcsa. A tudósok kezdik megérteni, hogy a kannabisz túlmutat az autoimmun betegségek tüneteinek enyhítésén. Valójában úgy tűnik, hogy a kannabisz közvetlenül kötődik az immunsejtekhez az endokannabinoid rendszer (ECS) befolyásolásával. Az ECS fontos szerepet játszik az immunfunkció szabályozásában. Az immunsejtek mind CB1, mind CB2 receptorokkal rendelkeznek, és a kannabisz olyan kannabinoidokat tartalmaz, amelyek kölcsönhatásba lépnek mindkét ECS receptorral.
A kannabinoidok kulcsként nyitják meg az ajtót, amely lehetővé teszi a kommunikációt a test és az immunrendszer között. Ha az immunrendszer folyamatosan túlterhelt, a kannabiszból származó kannabinoidok stimulálhatják az egészséges sejtek elleni harc lelassulását és könnyebbé válását.

CBD for wellbeing

CBD for good health

The human body is exposed to many diseases, infections, viruses and bacteria every day. Without an immune system, even the most common disease can be fatal. The immune system is the arrangement of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to eliminate foreign particles and invaders. That's fine.
Your immune system is also responsible for recognizing and removing defective cells in the body. The immune system must remove these cells to stop them from growing, which can lead to tumors.

Cannabidiol can help boost the immune system. In fact, research has shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and can act as an immunosuppressant and immunomodulator.
For example, inflammation is one of the most important processes in the body's immune system. This helps to isolate the infected areas and prevents the spread of toxic components to other parts of the body. CBD contains anti-inflammatory elements that help reduce the inflammatory response of the immune system.
In addition, CBD may help modulate or suppress cytokine function and secretion. These are large groups of proteins that are secreted by the body's immune system. It helps regulate inflammation, immunity and white blood cell production. All of this promotes a smarter functioning and health of the immune system.
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